
Giovanni Giuseppe Antamoro

author (technical topics)

Amici delle Strade Romane

(cultural topics)

and, among the Amici,

Fabio Budel

Società Archeologica Claudia Augusta - Cesio Maggiore

Jean Yves Eveillard

Author of the text "Les voies romanes en Bretagne, 2016", Professor of Université de Bretagne Occidentale (Brest)

David Morton

Author of the site for hikers of Roman roads in Lazio and Umbria

Christian Vogelsang

Assiduous researcher of Roman roads in Germany and Italy

Alfredo Ilardi,
Danielle Khoury,
Maria-Sabina Yétérian-Parisi

Collaborators of written texts

and, we remember among the Amici,

Cesare Agostini and Franco Santi,

Tenacious researchers and discoverers of the “military” Via Flaminia, illustrated in the text “La strada Flaminia militare del 187 a.C. The whole route BOLOGNA-AREZZO” (Download the PDF, 130MB) .

Franco Cipriani

Promoter of “Compagni di Strada” – a company of Amici delle strade romane in Venetia


In the mid seventies Nino Voltolina and Franco Cipriani started trekking the ancient roman road Claudia Augusta – linking Altino on the lagoon of Venice with the Danube in actual Bayern – following some detailed maps published by Alberto Alpago Novello. Some friends and their families joined them in following years.

The group took name “Compagni di strada” – road fellows – and now numbers 60 members with an average presence of 35 at main social gatherings.

“Compagni di strada” is in fact, if not formally, a club whose main activity consists in trekking once a month Claudia Augusta or other romans roads in North-East Italy; excursions in italian or foreign areas where roman roads are known to be, cultural visits, other open air activities such as trekking or cycling are also organized.

Trekking Claudia Augusta has been an opportunity of meeting people and making friends as well for old as for new members.The slow pace of trekking makes it also easy “reading” landscapes and even more appreciating cultures, nature, artistics resources of Italy, whose aspects vary astoningly even among areas quite close each other.

Translation in English by Franco Cipriani – 26/01/2005