Rennes-Carhaix road Segment 4Place la Maison Rouge – Place le Plessis (Matriniaca)
This segment begins with the third Ford on the River Meu and continues on the embankment of the dam that forms Lake Loscouët-sur-Meu.
Then follows a path part in the country side, identified only by cadastral boundaries, and part on local roads. It passes close to the Chapel of Saint Brieuc-des-Bois and reaches place le Plessis near Merdrignac.
In this locality, for a 20 km radius, significant archeological testimony have been found years ago before the study of J.-Y. Eveillard (e06 – Eveillard), confirming that this locality was a major station stop (Mansio Matriniaca)(*).
(*) See mansio in glossary