Rennes-Carhaix road Segment 10
Gouarec – Rostrenen


This segment, still used in the 19th century, has suffered in the following decades and was gradually abandoned as the modern road (RN 164) was developed to connect Gouarec to Plouguernével.

Today, starting from place Stang-er-mel, near the Saint Gilles Chapel where we have suggested the existence of a mutatio (*), you may follow the Roman road until your reach the Kermarec Cross (from Farm Pontiou to Cross it is a path).

You can take the road again at place Kerber where there is the Saint Jean Chapel until the road Kerjacob /Locoal beyond which ploughed fields prevents any recognition.

From this position the Roman road was to continue in the direction of Farm Kerleau through a small marshy area fed by the River le Petit Doré.

In the final stretch. before reaching Rostrenen, on the North edge of the current road there is a strip of about 3 metres witness of the original width of the roman road.



(*) See mutatio in glossary